Friday, January 7, 2011

PG13 ! auwwww

SMILEEEEE!I LOVE THIS MOVIE,sesiapa yg nk bawak kan kita tak?
nk tgk la :(

Angelina jolie vs johnny Deep :)

American tourist Frank (Johnny Depp) meets a mysterious beauty who drags him into a dangerous world of intrigue and espionage while traveling through Europe in director Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck's paranoid thriller. When Frank met Elise (Angelina Jolie) on the train, he thought it was a chance encounter. Little did Frank realize it was all part of a much bigger plan, one that would soon find him dodging bullets through both the historic streets of Paris and the winding canals of Venice. Now, the faster Frank and Elise run, the more intense their romance grows


2011? yesss, im 21st! haha! feelss mcm dh tua sgt.since now,tkde ape yg aku capai bole di bangga kan selain segulung DIPLOMA..haish,
so,aku rasa tahun 2011 akan jadi tahun aku BERKERJA! yelah,ape lagi yg bole aku buat sementara nk tunggu continue study on september.lama lagi koooottt! cis! :(

But im happy! sbb aku tahu aku akan dpt mcm mcm pengalaman plus plus plus mcm mcm kereneh manusia bila dorg berkerja.dari segi attitude,masa, knowledge,pemikiran sejauh mane, and the best things sapa yg makcik or minah paling kepoh dkt tempat kerja tu!haha! kelakar wey.. sosososooooo. im excited! nk kerja sbb end of month dpt gaji! yessss :))

Salary akan di gunakan sepenuh nye untuk holiday and satisfied sume yg di impikan selama ini,harap harap duit tu bertahan la lama dlm bank,sbb aku ni kategori BOROS! like father like son.. huh.

URGH! ^ ^

hye hello ! serius tktau nk update ape dkt blog ni,aku mmg tk bole dan tk layak jdi blogger la wey!
sbb kan tkde bnde yg menarik nk di kongsi.. buat masa ni ape yg berlaku setiap hari adalah bende yg sama :(
i want my previous life!! i miss u syg! haha! gile kejap.. :)

okayla,skrg ni still dkt ofis.lunch hour sbb hari jumaat die akan jadi 2, mmg malas nk ke mne mne. yelah kalau prgi amcorp kang tk cukup masa nk pusing la,beli itu ini la.habis duit! so, jalan penyelesaian baik aku duduk diam diam,membeku dkt ofis ni daripada keluar membuang duit tk ingat dunia..
 korang tau je la dkt amcorp mall tu ade secret receipe! starbucks! yummmyy sume nye! hahahaha!
mmg sume bnde yg aku suka makan. plus dgn org sale mcm mcm dkt luar tu,ni la itu la.
pastu kalau dh masuk bookstore tu,tk ingat dunia dh.sume nye di tatap kan..

selalu berangan ade duit BANYAK! haha! so, letssss study more execellent for looking a good job and get a better life in the future.expecially for my family, my lovely asyraf and soon my baby :)